Part 1: Analysis of Context
1. What do we know about our learners?
George Greenaway Elementary is located in a residential area of Cloverdale in Surrey. There is a strong sense of community and many families have been connected to the school for multiple generations as the school was built over forty years ago. George Greenaway has a reputation for welcoming and supporting students with special needs and we have a district program for two low incidence classes for intensive support for autistic students with severe behaviour concerns. Currently, there are 450 students enrolled in K-7 classes. We have a diverse population consisting of Aboriginal students and some families new to Canada. The PAC is very active and supportive with the various initiatives we have had throughout the year. Our school is a Community school hosting programs for students such as Strong Start, PALS, BLAST, Bricks 4 Kids and JUMP START. Furthermore, we have an extremely dedicated staff, including both teachers and EA’s, who coach team sports such as soccer, cross country, volleyball, basketball and track and field. George Greenaway has two strong student leadership teams that supports both local and global initiatives including The Surrey Food Bank and Doctors without Borders. After four years of focusing on numeracy as a school goal, the staff decided at the May 2015 professional develop day to change the focus to increasing social and emotional learning within our students, particularly in the area of personal awareness and responsibility. This comes from an increasing need to help students learn to regulate their emotions, to understand themselves as learners and to see the connection between the two. With many new homes being built in the area, the projections are show a slight increase for next year. We are also the school which organizes the Special Track Meets for the Surrey School District.
2. What evidence supports what we know about our learners?
Part 2: Focus and Planning
3. What focus emerges as a question to pursue?
To what extent will school-wide implementation of self-regulation strategies affect the behaviour and self-awareness of students within our learning community?
Parent Involvement:
- Extending SEL learning beyond classroom with specific, parent involved assignments.
- Parent education of core competencies through newsletters, parent-teacher conferences etc
- Communicating student learning of core competencies through FreshGrade, blogs etc
4. What professional learning do we need?
- Professional development days committed to looking at Core Competencies
- Professional book club – reading Calm, Alert, and Learning by Stuart Shanker
- Application for Special Projects Pro-D grant through STA to continue looking at resources such as Zones of Regulation and TaxiDog
5. What is our plan?
- All teacher K-7 are using MindUp Curriculum resources
- School wide use of chime’s for core practice
- Support and reinforcement of program from CCW, Counsellor and EA’s
- What can we change in our school environment to support SEL?
Part 3: Reflect, Adjust, Celebrate
6. How will we know our plan is making a difference? (evidence / success criteria)
Questions for staff:
- Can I identify students who are unregulated?
- What tools/strategies do I have to help students who need up-regulating/down-regulating
- What are common stressors for students in my classroom?
Questions for students:
- What does it feel like to be calm, alert and ready for learning?
- When I am stressed, what can I do or who can I turn to for help?
- How am I taking care of myself on a daily basis so that I can learn effectively at school?