Our learners have access to an abundance of information, resources and people which requires them to possess the new literacies of asking good questions, thinking critically, collaborating successfully, communicating effectively and demonstrating new learning in multiple formats to share with others.
These are the “new basics” that combined with the foundational modes of literacy become our core work. Ultimately, the new literacies are more about ways of thinking than the technologies. Navigating these multi-literacies successfully is essential in the 21st century.
Linking Key Resources: What informs us?
- Premier’s Technology Council: A Vision for 21st Century Education
- Digital Literacy in Canada: From Inclusion to Transformation
- BC MOE Foundations: Literacy, Numeracy
- Expanding the New Literacies Conversation
- NCTE Definition of 21st Century Literacies
- Four Resources model by Freebody & Luke
- BC MOE Aboriginal Ways of Knowing BC MOE Core Competencies
- SAMR Model
- ISTE Standards
B.C.’s Digital Literacy Characteristics
- Research and Information Literacy
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Creativity and Innovation
- Digital Citizenship
- Communication and Collaboration