Strategic Planning for Learning by Design

At the heart of Surrey Schools is a district-wide shared vision for learning – Learning by Design. Our vision states that we prepare our learners for a world in which they think creatively and critically, communicate skillfully, and demonstrate care for self and others. Our strategic plan is one embodiment of this vision.

Beginning in 2014, Surrey Schools began to review the overall direction of the district, responding to feedback and adding clarity to our vision for learning. During this review, we developed our Learning by Design vision, which anchors all our work.

Learning by Design is the lens through which we view the design of our learning environments. Building off of our vision, our Priority Practices form the practical application of Learning by Design in the classroom. From our Vision to our Priority Practices, we then have a strategic focus on three areas: transitions, literacy and numeracy, and well-being of our students and staff. We also continually reflect upon evidence that we use to inform important decisions about how to employ each of our priority practices in the service of student learning.

Developing our strategic plan is an ongoing, collaborative process. It is designed to be a framework for the district to build upon year after year, incorporating new knowledge and insights, and giving voice to new perspectives on learning as they emerge. Our Strategic Plan is our inquiry in process and is on going.

Effective strategic planning requires effective strategic engagement. Our district continually engages with stakeholders on the effective implementation of our strategic initiatives. The strategic framework of Learning by Design, our Priority Practices and our district focus areas was developed to be proactively responsive to our unique context. Our Strategic Plan prioritizes our commitments to truth and reconciliation, including by strengthening the way our priority practices reflect these commitments.

Throughout this website, you will find a broad description of our Strategic Plan, and more detailed descriptions of our Priority Practices, our focus on the evidence we collect about student transitions, literacy and numeracy, and well-being, and the specific steps we are taking to achieve truly inclusive learning in our schools.