In alignment with the Ministry of Education’s Framework for Enhancing Student Learning, Our Strategic Plan outlines the steps we are taking to fulfill our vision for Learning by Design.  Learning by Design anchors all of the district’s work, and consists of three parts: Learning, Structures, and Tools.  Our Priority Practices guide our implementation of this vision in four areas: Curriculum Design, Instructional Strategies, Quality Assessment, and Social and Emotional Learning. Finally, we continually examine focus areas to gather evidence which informs our direction and planning. Those four areas are Student Transitions, Literacy and Numeracy, and Staff Well-Being.


Priority Practices in Action

Through our strategic planning process, we have engaged in qualitative inquiries to gather examples of how our Priority practices play out within and beyond the classroom. Whether it is connecting our schools to our communities, welcoming newcomers to Canada, expanding blended learning programs, or using professional development to improve assessment practices, Surrey is constantly evaluating how to best achieve our strategic vision through concrete changes to the way we work. The stories highlighted in the link below are only a few of the many steps we are taking to fulfill our vision of learning by design.

Unique Student Groups

The Ministry of Education and Surrey Schools recognize that long-standing differences exist related to school success amongst particular groups. Most notably, the unique student groups identified below require a shared commitment to nurturing a sense of belonging for all, and aligning supports to best address individual and group needs.

Evidence: Framework for Enhancing Student Learning

As part of the Ministry of Education’s Framework for Enhancing Student Learning, the district collects and analyzes quantitative and qualitative data on intellectual development, human and social development, and career development, paying special attention to Indigenous students, children and youth in care, and students with diverse abilities or disabilities. Within each of these categories, the district reports information on literacy, numeracy, grade-to-grade transitions, and measures of student well-being. In recent years, teachers and staff have continued to help reduce gaps in student performance in these key areas. However, the data does show that there are areas where the district’s efforts must continue.