Part 1: Analysis of Context
1. What do we know about our learners?
Our Community:
Fraser Wood Elementary School is located in the north Surrey neighbourhood of Fraser Heights.
Currently we have 526 students, with 12 Primary and 11 Intermediate divisions. Fraser Wood offers a school-based Intensive French program for interested Grades 6 & 7 students.
Fraser Wood is a culturally and linguistically diverse community. We are numerous in the languages and symbols we use to say “hello”, the countries we were born in and the background experiences we bring to our daily learning.
As a group, our school community is all the same in our understanding that Fraser Wood is a place of inclusion, acceptance and welcome. Fraser Wood is the heart of our learning community.
2. What evidence supports what we know about our learners?
Our incoming Kindergarten families are welcomed every Spring by our school team- our early learning teachers (K and Grade 1), LST team, Counsellor, Multicultural Worker, Vice Principal and Principal. We want our families to feel included and part of our school community. Our Kindergarten team administers ELPATS in January, and reviews the results. Some learners then receive more intensive instruction; the classroom and LST teacher may introduce strategies. Our May ELPATS results again help us review our learners’ needs.
Our Grade 4 and 7 teachers use the annual FSAs as an opportunity to work through numeracy and language (reading and writing) content for their grade levels. FSA results and booklets are sent home for parents to review, discuss with their child and question. The results give teachers an opportunity to see how learners did; which content areas appeared strong and which areas were problematic.
Teachers utilize a variety of assessments to guide their planning. Results of all assessments are used to inform instruction. Learners from Kindergarten to Grade 7 are actively involved in self assessment and reflection. Many learners capture their learning on video and in photos.
Our staff is communicating with caregivers using both CSL and Freshgrade. Our learners are involved, inquisitive and encouraged to pursue further inquiry.
Part 2: Focus and Planning
3. What focus emerges as a question to pursue?
As a result of conversations and emerging ideas, the staff have identified three areas to to focus on this year:
- Numeracy
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Outdoor Education
4. What professional learning do we need?
To further pursue our emerging focus, staff have decided to make this the focus of our professional learning days, collaborate and meet during lunch hours and after school.
5. What is our plan?
The plan is to continue to engage in ongoing dialogue and continued professional learning through:
- Ongoing discussions (primary/intermediate meetings, staff meetings, grade group meetings, admin/teacher Chats, etc.)
- Professional learning opportunities (i.e. ProD around inquiry, assessment, etc.) and other school-based staff/student learning
- Book clubs
Part 3: Reflect, Adjust, Celebrate
6. How will we know our plan is making a difference? (evidence / success criteria)
We will know our plan is making a difference through:
Numeracy and Outdoor Education:
- Teacher & student observations
- Reflection – both student and adult
- Students engaging in creating and meeting criteria for deep and thoughtful reflections around self & learning
- Clear communication of self & learning ideas
- Thoughtful learning practices and conferencing (with staff and with peers)
Socio-Emotional Learning :
- Teacher & student observations
- Reflection – both students and adults of zones and self-regulation
- Clear communication of self and self-regulation practices
- Effective problem solving and strategy use to regulate emotions and the effects on self and others
7. Based on the evidence, does our inquiry require adjustment?
As we are in the initial stages of inquiry, our learning is ongoing.