Part 1: Analysis of Context

1. What do we know about our learners?

Our Mission

At Cloverdale Learning Centre (CLC), we believe that “Success is the only option” and our goal is to create a culture where students can develop into effective communicators, critical thinkers and self-regulating individuals in order to ensure success as they transition into the next phase of their lives after high school.


Our Learners

Our learners come from a variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

With a wide range of interests, such as robotics, automotive, gaming, trades and technology, working with animals, fashion and design and travel, our learners are motivated to learn about the world around them and discover their talents along the way.

They appreciate the flexibility of self-paced learning and support provided by the staff in a small group environment.

CLC students are invested in creating their own learning experiences. They want more say in “how things work at the school” and what opportunities are provided for them to learn, both inside and outside the classrooms.

Our learners are:

·      Motivated to succeed in school and in life

·      Courageous and accepting of others

·      Empathetic, caring and compassionate

·      Resilient and adaptive to new situations

·      Creative, artistic, visual learners

·      Independent learners and critical thinkers

·      Passionate about their personal interests and hobbies

·      Enjoying their experiences CLC and the social aspect of school

·      Looking for opportunities to connect with their peers and adults in the school


2. What evidence supports what we know about our learners?

We gathered data from a variety of sources including:

·      Interviews with students and staff

·      Student reflections of their learning

·      Feedback from surveys of the school community

·      Data from classroom assessments

·      Enrolment data for students in district partnership programs


Activities and events our learners have participated in:

·      Britannia Mines field trip

·      BC Lions presentation

·      Cloverdale Winter Parade

·      STAND presentation

·      Terry Fox Run/Fundraiser

·      Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer and Softball tournaments

·      Surrey Track and Field Meet

·      Lynn Headwaters hike

·      Victoria/Parliament Building field trip

·      Work Experience at a variety of organizations/businesses

·      CLC students accepted into apprenticeship programs – CAD/Drafting, Auto Technician, Carpentry, Culinary Arts, Education Assistant, Hairstyling, Plumbing, and Welding

·      Students accepted into post-secondary studies – KPU, UFV, New Image College, Blanche MacDonald

·      Work BC, YMCA Employment and Starbucks Baristas Programs


The Beginnings of Our Inquiry: 

School Plan – The Journey Begins
















Part 2: Focus and Planning

3. What focus emerges as a question to pursue?

The staff of CLC strives to engage our learners by enabling them to work within a flexible structure and in small group settings, which encourages and empowers students to be agents of their own learning.

With this in mind, in the next 2-3 years the focus for our inquiry will be:

  • How will the implementation of a “flex day” schedule enable students to explore and develop their skills in areas of personal interests and cultivate relationships with their peers and adults in the school?
  • How will the introduction of a cohort/co-op program affect students’ attendance and engagement in their personal learning and the school community?

4. What professional learning do we need?

Our plan is to align our school goal with the district priority practice of Social Emotional Learning (SEL). In order to support our students to the best of our ability, our staff will take part in:

·      Sessions/workshops on working with learners who have mental health issues, trauma, poverty

o   Staff attending SEL Dinner Series and Leadership Dinner Series

o   Sharing of this learning with other staff members at staff meetings and on ProD days

·      Determining how to implement mindfulness/SEL strategies into LC environment?

o   3 staff members attending SEL Series to develop ideas/strategies for implementation in 2018-19 school year

o   Presentation to staff on May 2018 ProD day

·      Explore other needs (besides professional learning)

o   Space – classroom, breakout, quiet, makerspace?

o   Time – for collaboration and to redevelop curriculum and assessments

o   Money – to support students for supplies (eg fitness, music), field trips and activities

o   Increased parental involvement

Resources – mental health, social services

5. What is our plan?

We will implement a flex time schedule once a week and offer a variety of topics for students to participate in. Students will have the opportunity to work with their peers while exploring areas of personal interest ranging from coding and robotics to cooking to art and drama.

We will also offer our students a  Social Justice CoOp Program. This will be a more structured program with a cohort of 12-15 students who will receive credit for English 10 or 11, Social Justice 12 and a Work Experience 12. Our goal is to create a safe learning environment where students work collaboratively to explore social issues in our community and investigate possible solutions.

Another strategy will be to involve our learners in discussions about their school and ask for their input which will:

o   Assist us in developing guidelines which impact student learning (eg. cell phone use)

o   Provide ideas for programs which would engage more learners in their education

Part 3: Reflect, Adjust, Celebrate

6. How will we know our plan is making a difference? (evidence / success criteria)

We will be collecting information from a number of sources such as:

  • student surveys and interviews
  • parent surveys
  • staff surveys and interviews
  • attendance and course completion data

We will collect and analyze this information on an ongoing basis over the next two years. This will enable us to determine the impact these changes are having on our students’ learning, engagement, and success at CLC. 

7. Based on the evidence, does our inquiry require adjustment?