Surrey Educator Carley Brockway and her students discuss how a focus on instructional strategies promotes engagement and a deeper understanding in the mathematics classroom. “We use whiteboards and as they are working on these whiteboards I will walk around the class and discuss the strategies they are using. When I have the opportunity to see…

The thoughtful crafting of meaningful experiences and the use of digital portfolios to capture and share student learning and progress “open the doors” of the classroom to parents and shift the ownership of learning from teachers, to shared ownership between students, parents, and teacher. Meaningful samples of student progress take many forms and encourage learning …

Teachers throughout the Surrey School District are thoughtful designers of learning, creating opportunities for the activation and development of core competencies such as critical and creative thinking, communication, resilience and perseverance through group problem-solving activity. Special thanks to Erma Stephenson Teacher-Librarian, Lori Ingles and Teacher-Librarian Helping Teacher, Lynne Powell for sharing this learning story about…

“Weaving Possibilities” is the powerful story of learners from Crescent Park Elementary in Surrey, B.C., who have been moved to make a real difference in the lives of others! Meaningful learning experiences activate and develop the core competencies of communication, thinking, and personal and social awareness. Along with literacy and numeracy foundations and essential content and concepts, the core competencies are at the centre of the redesign of curriculum and assessment in BC.