École Fraser Wood


Fraser Wood Elementary School is located in the north Surrey neighborhood of Fraser Heights. Currently, we have 535 students, with 23 divisions.  Fraser Wood offers a school-based Intensive French program for interested Grades 6 & 7 students.  Fraser Wood is a culturally and linguistically diverse community. At Fraser Wood, our community strives to be a place of inclusion, acceptance and welcome.  Our community is built on mutual respect and trust, which are the foundation of our learning environment. Staff support learners academically, emotionally and socially and physically. 

There is a  strong and positive school culture at Fraser Wood. The staff understands that schools must support students’ emotional and social learning (SEL). 


Our learners come from a variety of linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Caregivers make sure their children are healthy and safe and transmit values to them. Caregivers are our partners in supporting our learners as they mature physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially.

When describing our learners, staff shared that our learners are willing and eager and yet are often afraid of making mistakes,  well supported by their families, industrious, have good background knowledge and are busy after school with a variety of extra-curricular activities. At times, it seems that many of our learners complete task after task and are in compliance with requests without being present and experiencing joy. 

Being present and experiencing joy is cultivated internally. Joy is realized when an individual is self-aware. Joy is not contingent on other people, things, places, thoughts, and events. Making positive emotions, such as joy, part of our Student Learning Plan is a priority as it may help our learners be more successful in their learning, feel they belong, and feel happier. 


In the 2021—2022 Satisfaction Survey, Grade 7 learners stated the following:

Question: Is school a place where you feel like you belong?

  •  0% never
  • 4% almost never
  • 24% sometimes
  • 50% most of the time
  • 20% All of the time
  • 2% I don’t know

Question: Do you feel good about yourself?

  •  6% never
  • 8% almost never
  • 24% sometimes
  • 44% most of the time
  • 15% All of the time
  • 0% I don’t know

Based on the Satisfaction Survey,  conversations at staff meetings,  through teacher grade group meetings, classroom observations, teacher reflections, and student input staff felt it was imperative that our school goal be in the domain of Social and Emotional Learning with a focus on  learners to demonstrate an increased:

  • Sense of belonging
  • Sense of optimism and joy

This year as well, our school was provided with the opportunity to participate in the Social and Emotional Learning Initiative through the Surrey School District. This Initiative is grounded in the vision that school communities have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to cultivate rich opportunities for the development of our learners’ social emotional well-being.


How will we know our plan is making a difference? 

We will know our plan is making a difference through:

  • Staff and  student observations
  • Reflections of  learners, staff, and caregivers 
  • Clear communication of self and self-regulation practices by staff and learners
  • Effective problem solving and strategies used to regulate emotions and the effects on self and others by staff and learners

We will continue to ascertain the impact SEL teaching and learning has on our community of teachers, caregivers, and learners.

Surrey Schools

Formed in 1906, the Surrey School District currently has the largest student enrolment in British Columbia and is one of the few growing districts in the province. It is governed by a publicly elected board of seven trustees.

The district serves the cities of Surrey and White Rock and the rural area of Barnston Island.

Surrey Schools
14033 - 92 Avenue Surrey,
British Columbia V3V 0B7