Part 1: Analysis of Context
1. What do we know about our learners?
TE Scott Elementary is home to 570 unique learners. Our students are active participants in a variety of ways within the school community. TE Scott students bring a rich diversity of cultural backgrounds that enhances our environment. Teachers often say that students care deeply about each other and provide regular examples during discussions. As a visiting Special Education Assistant shared “Your school made me feel so welcome, the students were very kind and helpful to me and each other. All the staff went out of their way to make me feel welcome. I can’t wait until I can come back”.
The strong bond between staff, students, and families creates a deep community at TE Scott Elementary. Parents (and Grandparents) are valued contributors to students’ educational experience. Parents view their children’s education with high importance and do not hesitate to engage with teachers. A common sight to see is parents, older siblings and former students seeking out and connecting with their previous teachers. We also benefit from, and appreciate, the group of parents that commit additional time and efforts on our Parent Advisory Council (P.A.C.).
The staff at TE Scott, collaboratively plan a variety of learning opportunities that support critical and creative thinking. Students showcase their learning through a variety of communication opportunities. In addition to the variety of learning opportunities inside the classroom, students have choices to participate in numerous sports teams and clubs. Student impact also extends into the community and beyond through our very active Me To We Team and our environment conscious Environmental Leadership Team.
All students at TE Scott benefit from a highly skilled, kind staff and caring parents. Evidence is regularly seen in confident students with a sense of control in their learning.
2. What evidence supports what we know about our learners?
At a recent staff meeting, we “scanned” and discussed what we know about our learners. Anecdotal evidence includes the following student strengths:
- – they love school
- – are enthusiastic learners
- – are active participants in their learning
- – care for one another
- – ethnic diversity
- – many strong leaders
At TE Scott our families come from places all over the world, we value and celebrate diversity…”Diversity is our strength.”
· Staff is also noting that we have an increasing number of students who have started at our school with little to no English Language. TE Scott staff is strongly committed to supporting these vulnerable learners. We are exploring strategies, structures and approaches that meet these vulnerable students needs. What can we do to make even greater gains so we can ensure future successes for all of our students? We know that many of our students are struggling with their learning and not working at grade level. The evidence for this is taken from the formative assessments given throughout the year. These assessments include but are not limited to:
- · Student reflections
- · Teacher reflections
- · PM Benchmarks
- · Soar To Success
- · Early Success
- · District ELL assessment
Part 2: Focus and Planning
3. What focus emerges as a question to pursue?
What effect will the readjustment of structure and reallocation of LST support impact student learning to better meet the needs of our most vulnerable learners?
4. What professional learning do we need?
Targeted pull out intervention is a practice we do very well at TE Scott. However, co – teaching will be relatively new. Co-teaching – what does this look like?
Explore the five co-teaching models that exist for co-teachers to maximize the impact of adults working with our students:
- · One teach, One observe: One teacher teaches while the other collects purposeful data
- · Station Teaching: Educators teach in different small groups
- · Parallel Teaching: Class is split, and educators instruct groups
- · Alternative Teaching: A small number of students are selected for intense instruction by one educator
- · Teaming: Both educators instruct class together for fast paced group instruction
- · One Teach, One Assist: One educator provides assistance to individual students
5. What is our plan?
Our LST team and classroom teachers will explore creating a balance between targeted pull out intervention and in class co – teaching structures
· This will be done by matching up prep times to meet and collaborate for co – teaching
· Teachers will create lessons and co – teach with an LST teacher on a volunteer basis.
Our LST team and classroom teachers will continue to meet regularly to assess students and place our most vulnerable students in ability groups for pull out small group intervention.
We will continue to use the following Formative Assessments:
· Student reflection
· Teacher reflection
· PM Benchmarks
· Soar To Success
· Early Success
· District ELL assessment
One of our grade 6 classes has embarked on co teaching Math throughout our 2nd Term.
The following is a sampling of student reflections when asked the question: How does having 2 teachers co teach impact your learning?
Part 3: Reflect, Adjust, Celebrate
6. How will we know our plan is making a difference? (evidence / success criteria)
How will we know if our plan of exploring best practice thru small group intensive intervention and introducing co teaching will make a difference?
• Demonstrated improvement in student achievement
• Increased adult attention to students, since co-taught lessons can reduce the teacher-to-student ratio
• Shared expertise among two or more teachers
• Shared responsibility for instruction and management
• Increased opportunity to differentiate for student needs
• Greater social integration among student sub-groups