Part 1: Analysis of Context

1. What do we know about our learners?

Student Survey

In the fall of 2016, students in grades 3 to 7 were surveyed about their learning experiences at AJ McLellan. Following the survey process, students met face to face with the school Principal and Vice Principal to discuss the results. The attached Power Point outlines the survey process and common themes identified by students. The information was subsequently shared with teachers and parents. AJ McLellan Student Survey 2016

2. What evidence supports what we know about our learners?

Part 2: Focus and Planning

3. What focus emerges as a question to pursue?

How does teaching and practicing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) & Mindfulness improve students’ self-regulation, self-reflection, and school success?

4. What professional learning do we need?

  • Teacher teams (projects, book clubs) to network and share resources
  • Ongoing consultation with SEL Helping Teacher and colleagues within and beyond the school
  • Various teachers to explore and utilize SEL/Mindfulness programs such as Second Step, Mindful Life, Mind Yeti, Mind Up, Sitting Still Like a Frog, Friends for Life

5. What is our plan?

  • Teacher team meets weekly @Lunch and Learn
  • Teachers go into each others’ classrooms to observe activities in action
  • Continue to connect with SEL Helping Teacher
  • Student self-reflection for Communicating Student Learning template &/or Digital Portfolios to include SEL/Mindfulness

Part 3: Reflect, Adjust, Celebrate

6. How will we know our plan is making a difference? (evidence / success criteria)

  • Students’ self-reflections on SEL/Mindfulness transfer to other Core Competencies
  • Students’ demonstrate increased self-regulation

7. Based on the evidence, does our inquiry require adjustment?