Honouring learning as a continuous process rather than a series of separate events, teachers design opportunities for students to develop an understanding of learning processes and to reflect on their learning journeys. The mindset shift to communicating student learning creates the conditions for personalized portfolios of learning that activate student voice, inform teacher practice, and engage parents in their child’s learning. Ultimately, transforming reporting to communicating student learning shifts the ownership from teachers to a shared ownership among students, parents and teachers. The Four Elements of Learning Documentation aim to provide parents a “window” into student learning through:


  • Authentic Evidence – Showing growth over time in what the learner KNOWS, can DO, and what they understand;
  • Quality Assessment – Information that informs both learning and teaching, shifting ownership to SHARED OWNERSHIP between learner, teacher, and parent;
  • Learning Standards – Evidence demonstrates growth in relation to the Learning Standards of B.C.’s Curriculum; and
  • Voice – Learning is deepened with the presence of STUDENT, TEACHER, and PARENT voice.

As you navigate through the resource, please note the PURPLE LIGHTBULB ICON that when clicked, connects you to “Behind the Scenes Thinking” – interviews of teachers sharing their thoughts, challenges, and insights related to the documentation.

Intermediate Students

Surrey Educators


June 22, 2017

Self-Assessment of Core Competencies

Activity Details

Students come to the classroom with experiences and knowledge related to the Core Competencies. Self-assessment will allow them to develop the ability to describe themselves as unique individuals in relation to the Core Competencies. They will set goals and gain greater ownership of their learning when they have the opportunity to self assess and describe who they are as learners, document their progress, and share their accomplishments in an ongoing and holistic manner.

Research on assessment emphasizes the importance of students developing reflective language and metacognition (i.e. the ability to think about thinking) in order to engage in effective self assessment. It is important that, overtime, students:

  • Gain the ability to assess their own strengths
  • Provide examples and evidence of their learning
  • Create realistic and achievable goals
  • Construct a clear plan to reach their goals
  • Revisit previous documentations of self-assessments, where applicable, to monitor their growth

Find out more about what the Core Competencies are:

June 22, 2017
Surrey Educators
An honest reflection! I have really noticed your increased awareness during group activities and how intentional you are becoming when it comes to waiting and listening. What else might you try as you move to the next grade in terms of improving interactions during group work?
May 30, 2017

"What Matters" - Creative Writing and Core Competencies Assignment

Activity Details

We began working on a project inspired by the story “What Matters” by Alison Hughes and Holly Hatam. The story starts with a boy doing a small act (picking up a can and throwing it into the garbage)  that the boy didn’t think mattered at all, but it did. The story follows the ripple effect of that small act, and all the ways that responsible action mattered. We were inspired by this story and after studying and discussing the core competencies about Social Responsibility and the idea that “students who demonstrate social responsibility are active, caring, and responsible members of society. They collaborate effectively with others, demonstrate a strong sense of community-mindedness, and take actions to support diversity and the environment.” We took a look at our daily lives and in our classroom, we reflected, and as a class we brainstormed some small acts that mattered, and how these acts had a ripple effect on other. For language arts, students collaborated then came up with their own ideas and created mind maps to trace their ideas and subsequent impacts and greater effects of the act. Later, students moved their ideas on to graphic organizers which helped them arrange their ideas in terms of growing impacts. Next, we moved on to writing a story and expanding on our creative ideas. We worked further on the idea of showing the reader not telling, adding sparkle words and details. Our stories needed to follow the guidelines of what is a small act that can have big consequences, and how can we all make a difference. Lastly, students were tasked with working in a group, team or individually to create final product that showed their creativity, thinking, and inspire others to do a good deed to show how we can all make a big difference. Some students chose iMovies, eBooks, PowerPoint presentations, art, or other methods to tell and share their story.

Learning Standards:

  • I can use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
  • I can transform ideas and information to create original texts
  • I can show an increasing understanding of the role of organization in meaning

Core Competencies:

  • I can be part of a group.
  • I can participate in classroom and group activities to improve the classroom, school, community, or natural world.
  • I contribute to group activities that make my classroom, school, community, or natural world a better place.
  • I can identify how my actions and the actions of others affect my community and the natural environment
  • I can analyze complex social or environmental issues from multiple perspectives.

Reflection Questions:

  • How did you come up with your original “What Matters” small act that had a large impact?
  • Why did you choose the tiny act? Why did the tiny act matter?
  • In what ways did you demonstrate the core competency of social responsibility in your story?
  • What are some ways that you are socially responsible? How do you see this in yourself?
  • What is a goal you can set for yourself about social responsibility and how are you going to achieve this?
  • What are you proud of for this writing activity?
  • What is something you would like to share about your project that your audience should know?



Artifact Source: Lyndsay James, Surrey Schools

May 30, 2017
Surrey Educators
I am so proud of all the hard work you did on your "What Matters" Project. You demonstrate great self-regulated learning skills by brainstorming your ideas, creating a plan, adding creativity, and working diligently towards creating a meaningful and outstanding final project. You really showed such deep connection to the book, our everyday classroom life, and how such a small act can grow and be impactful ... the ripple effect from picking up a pencil. You were able to share your work with a visiting District Principal to our classroom, and discuss some meaningful moments of your learning journey in creating your project. I know sharing your ideas and being on film feels kind of weird and scary, but I am super proud of you for taking on the challenge and being so clear in communicating and sharing your project and proud moments. You should feel proud of yourself for tackling a tough task.
May 31, 2017
Intermediate Students
I thought of my small act because there are a lot of pencils lying on the ground at the end of each day. The tiny act mattered because one of our classmate has a wheelchair and having pencils on the ground will make it so the wheelchair will have a hard time around. What I'm proud of in this activity is that I took it home on the long weekend so I could finish it and so I wouldn't have to rush everything on the day we went back to school. What I would like my audience that will watch my "What Matters" video is that to do simple acts each day, even if it's to push in a chair in, because even if it's a small act what you did made a huge impact on someone. I also want them to know that they are making a huge impact on someone each day, and that they didn't even realize.
April 28, 2017

Physical & Health Education: Learning about heart rate, intensity, and exercise

Activity Details

Students participated in three fitness sessions at a local gym called Elevation Fitness. The sessions were presented in a  “bootcamp” style with an emphasis promoting getting active, monitoring heart rates,  having fun, and the ‘BIG IDEAS” that:

  • Daily physical activity enables us to practice skillful movement and helps us develop personal fitness;
  • Physical literacy and fitness contribute to our success in and enjoyment of physical activity; and
  • Healthy choices influence our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.


  • I can apply methods of monitoring and adjusting exertion levels in physical activity
  • I can identify and describe preferred types of physical activity
  • I can participate in different types of physical activities, including individual and dual activities, rhythmic activities, and games



Artifact Source: Nina Minhas, Surrey Schools

April 28, 2017
Intermediate Students
Your heart rate is an important thing to check daily. It keeps the blood pumping through your body and keeps you healthy. If you have a low heart rate, that isn't very healthy, but around 50 - 60 beats a minute is a healthy heart rate. If your heart rate is above 100 when you're just normally breathing, that is a problem. Your heart rate will change depending on what you're doing. I check my heart rate by putting two fingers on my neck just below my jaw bone and count the beats for ten seconds. Let's say your heart beat is 9 beats per 10 seconds. Then you multiply 9 by 6 because 6 represents 6 groups of 10 which is 1 minute.I really love physical activity and I really enjoy my activities in and out of school like ultimate, soccer, dance, swimming and running club. My favourite sport is soccer because it involves all the muscles in your body. Soccer helps to develop your strength in your legs because of the running and it helps build fast reflexes when your in net. I least enjoy playing volley ball because transferring from soccer that requires your feet to then using your hands in volleyball is hard for me.
April 28, 2017
Intermediate Students
I really love physical activity and I really enjoy my activities in and out of school like ultimate, soccer, dance, swimming and running club. My favourite sport is soccer because it involves all the muscles in your body. Soccer helps to develop your strength in your legs because of the running and it helps build fast reflexes when you're in net. I least enjoy playing volleyball because transferring from soccer that requires your feet to then using your hands in volleyball is hard for me.
April 28, 2017
Surrey Educators
Great response and very honest. You demonstrate a very good understanding of how to monitor exertion level and where our healthy heart rate should be. Your explanation for activities you prefer is very clear and easy to understand.
April 21, 2017

"Two of the same": Writing from experience

Activity Details

Since September we have been working on developing our writing skills, learning strategies to write with greater depth and voice. We have been discussing what makes a “good” piece of writing interesting and powerful. It’s not the neat printing or the correct spelling, these are important skills, but what is most important is the way you communicate your ideas. We have talked about choosing life topics, things we know something about. This is where inexperienced writers need It’s not the neat printing or the correct spelling, these are important skills, but what is most important is the way you communicate your ideas. We have talked about choosing life topics, things we know something about. This is where inexperienced writers need start. These two Response Writes invited students to write about an experience they had. Students are learning to begin their writes with a catchy lead sentence, move to include details and examples, and end their write with a concluding sentence. Learning Standards:

Learning Standards:

  • I can plan and create  personal  writing for different purposes and audiences
  • I can communicate using sentences and most conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Core Competencies:

  • I can advocate for myself and my ideas



Artifact Source: Kelli Vogstad, Surrey Schools

Zach writes with ease and confidence and his personality definitely shines through. In these two writes he demonstrates his ability to use a catchy lead to bring his readers into his story. He adds some interesting details and feelings to his pieces, and his conventions, spelling and punctuation, are well strong. Zach needs to bring more clarity and formality to his writing by using less back and forth dialogue with his reader, and more detail and elaboration so his writing flows more smoothly from beginning to end.

This year, we want to challenge Zach with different forms and genres of writing to develop his skills and artistry in writing strong, organized, and interesting pieces.

Zach's writing meets the learning standards and criteria for the tasks.

April 21, 2017
Intermediate Students
They both were about the same length and as soon as Ms.V said " Get the readers attention on the very first sentence." I exploded with ideas. For example I explained how I use to not take a chance on soup but when Ms.V and us made Stone Soup together I had no choice but to try it and after that I learned a lesson to never judge a book by its cover
April 21, 2017
Zach loved the Stone Soup! He has always refused to eat soup at home, but after the Stone Soup activity - he's excited to try other soups now. Thanks for helping to broaden his palate!
April 21, 2017
Intermediate Students
At first if you look at my printing you can tell The Cardboard Challenge write was bigger. It actually only looks like that because I printed smaller on the Stone Soup write. Take some time to look at my printing and you will notice a difference. ? As for my writing its interesting to see the humour I put into my words, and my personality. This I think makes it interesting to read.
April 11, 2017

Student Self-Reflection: Connecting images and quotes to goal-setting

Activity Details

Art and literature can be combined to allow students to demonstrate their learning and goals. In this activity, students reflected on areas that they would like to develop, provided evidence, and made critical choices about images and quotes that would match their goals.

Learning Standards:

  • I can express, feelings, ideas, and experiences through the arts
  • I can use different processes, materials, technologies, tools and techniques to support creative works
  • I can use symbolism and metaphor to explore ideas and perspective

Core Competencies:

  • I can imagine and work toward change in myself and the world.


Artifact Source: Carol Kippan, Surrey Schools

April 11, 2017
Intermediate Students
I picked this quote because I have a tough time forgiving myself or someone. I let it stay inside of me and it makes me sad and I don't like being sad but when I let it go I feel better. It means that if you hold a grudge you won't have fun, be happy and spend time with your family if you let that grudge go then you're free you have nothing on your back and there is nothing weighing you down. I will try in the new year to forgive everyone and myself so I can be free with no grudges. I also think just to show everyone that you should forgive, a tree branch should grow every single time a person forgives. Until it looks like this...
June 20, 2017

Arts Education - "Two of the Same" in Band 7

Activity Details


Music is a unique language for creating and communicating.

The final term in Band was primarily performance focused. Students expanded on their knowledge of dynamics and music terms and symbols. Students were also challenged with new notes for their instrument. Several pieces from a variety fo composers were worked on this term. The performance goal was the year-end assembly in June. As you can see from the “Two of the Same” learning artifact below, your child has made excellent progress over the course of learning these new pieces of music. Hopefully your child will continue to play their instrument in the years to come!


Artifact Source: Ferdinand Bredenholler, Surrey Schools

May 30, 2017

Performance Scale Descriptions for Parents ... What do they mean?

Activity Details

Dear Parents,

This year, we will be using new performance scale language to assess student learning. We know sometimes the language we use in education is difficult to understand, so it is our hope that this brief description will help. These are a few simple phrases a student may use at each level. Detailed descriptions can be found in the graphic below.

  • Emerging – “I’m just getting started.”  “I learn best with help.”
  • Developing – “I’m getting there” “I am beginning to do more and more on my own.”
  • Proficient – “I get it.”  “I can do it on my own.”
  • Extending  – “I get it and go beyond what is expected of me.”  “I can teach it to a friend.”

As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know.

And if you want to see this language translated…

ترجمه 已翻译 Traduire अनुवाद 번역됨 Anuvwd Traducir Sinalin sa wikang  go to:  bit.ly/sd36talk

April 26, 2017

Celebrations of Learning

Activity Details

Learning is a social process and takes place in all that students do. Students participate in a variety of group processes to not only learn about new things, but they activate and develop important “CORE COMPETENCIES”  such as communication, creative and critical thinking, and personal and social responsibility, which are sets of skills and abilities all students need in order to engage in deep learning and life-long learning.

Find out more about the CORE COMPETENCIES.


NOTE: We know that through a variety of activities provided at school, students are constantly learning new things. When artifacts are loaded into portfolios without adequate documentation, we make the assumption that parents will understand the learning taking place. Without context, this can be challenging. This artifact demonstrates the concept of grouping this type of documentation, "Celebrations of Learning" into a single bucket so as to simply the portfolio. By clicking on an artifact above, notice the attached documentation that allows parents to make sense of what has been posted.

April 7, 2017

Self-assessment of Core Competencies within Mathematics

Activity Details

Artifact Source: Tinh Ngo, Surrey Schools

April 7, 2017
Intermediate Students
I consider reflecting on my work my best attribute because I feel like im good at recognizing where I go wrong in my work. I also really like writing about my learning experience and my ups and downs in the process of learning. Reflecting on my work is something kind of new to me because I didnt too too much of it In elementary school so in the beginning I felt like I didn’t really understand the point of reflecting now I understand that it is actually an important step to expanding your knowledge.
April 7, 2017
Intermediate Students
To improve on this I think im just going to need to keep an open mind that’s ready to take in new ideas. My problem is that when I figure out an answer for something, right or wrong, I will get attached to it and not take in any other ideas or possibilities. I need to expand my work out more and think about all the different ways to solve a problem.
January 6, 2017

Student Self-Reflection: My One Word for 2017 Write

Activity Details

Every year people make New Year resolutions in an attempt to better themselves. We discussed and researched how many writers all over the year choose one word to focus on, one word to guide them throughout the year and they write about it. We also watched two interesting motivating videos. Each of us took the time to think about and carefully choose one meaningful word that we would focus on every day, all year long, a word that would help us become a better person and meet our goals. Students drafted, edited, revised with the classroom teacher during one-on-one writing conferences, and then published “My One Word” writes. The students then beautifully illustrated and coloured their words.  

Learning Standards:

  • I can use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create texts for a variety of purposes and audiences, using proper sentence structure and grammar conventions

Core Competencies:

  • I can advocate for myself and my ideas


Artifact Source: Kelli Vogstad, Surrey Schools

January 10, 2017
Intermediate Students
Huffing and puffing and working hard will get you far in life. I have chosen the word EFFORT for 2017. I think this word will help me become a better person and help me have a great year. I always rely on my brain to just put things on the paper. If I put effort into it, I will get better at writing, math, science, and much more. For example, in hockey, I was so close to being cut from the Rep A3 team to a house team, but if I put effort into my game, come October, I will get to the A2 or even A1 team. Effort helps in a lot of ways, in sports and in school. You can't be lazy in life. When you are in a life situation, a lot of the time you will need effort to save your life. Sometimes it will take luck, but usually it will take effort, in life when you are working at school, playing sports, even at home. For example more effort makes washing the dishes easier, making my bed easier, and even feeding the dog easier. You need effort or else life will beat you. You won't be able to support yourself or maybe even live. Using effort to get through things in life makes you succeed.