Gardens in Surrey Schools – Places for Calm and Connection

Getting Started with your School Garden

There has always been a keen interest in gardens in Surrey Schools. Gardens represent the possibility for experiential, meaningful learning experiences, and places of wonder and relaxation. The following guide is intended to walk you through the process of applying for and supporting a school garden. From inspiration to harvest, here you will find all the necessary background information required to get started. This Guide also provides connections to learning opportunities that can be integrated across the curriculum, helpful “how-tos,” and an online user forum.

>>> School Garden Resource 2019-2020<<< >>>School Garden Application-2019-20<<<

Aligning with Surrey School’s vision of learning, “Learning by Design”, school gardens are flexible learning environments that research suggests offer the promise of educational benefits, a connection with nature, improved lifestyle and nutrition choices, and social/emotional learning and life skill development.

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